Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sweet Abner

Please go to and sponsor a child! So many in desperate need that would be just fine with a family. Sweet little Abner was just transferred. Taken from his baby house orphanage and moved to an isolated mental institution. Everything has changed nothing is the same except the fact he has no family! Please think about adopting. Take a step of faith. If not possible pray!! Donate!! These kids need out! Abner will now be confined to his crib 24/7. No mobile to look at, no music, no stimulation and very little nutrition. These sweet angels slowly waste away. So horrible and alone.....can you imagine?? So take action today!! Thank you!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Surgery for Sergei

Tomorrow is a big day for Sergei. His hip has been severely dislocated for a long time and can be very painful. Surgery was put off until he had gained enough weight since he was so malnourished when he got to America! So surgery will be tomorrow. It will last at least 4 hours and is quite involved. They will be reconstructing both hips and cutting muscle to loosen it. Please pray for him and for orphans waiting for families because so many suffer from no medical care and lack of nutrition and of course pure loneliness. Two children died this week that were listed on Reece's Rainbow. These kids would be just fine had they been born here or had been adopted. Instead they died alone. We could also use prayers for our paperwork. We have hit a lot of delays. But we will continue to move forward. Whittaker is in fragile condition and needs out ASAP! Thank you to all! Have a beautiful day!