Thursday, April 10, 2014

A New Shunt

Sergei needs to have a new shunt put in so I am waiting at the hospital right now. Surgery will probably take 2 hours. He wasn't allowed to eat after midnight and this is difficult since he is so thin already. He ate about 9 pm but then he was so tired that he didn't eat again. Surgery was supposed to be at 10:30 but the the child ahead must of been having some difficulty so they did not get him until 12:40. I am adding the hours that have gone by since his last feeding. Yet he never cried even though I knew and could tell he wanted food. His little lips were moving and he was biting his bottom lip pretty hard. I know he has a 100 angels by his side. He has survived the unthinkable...neglect and almost to the point of starvation so I know he gave up a long time ago crying out for food or comfort. If I think about his past too long I become very sad that I wasn't able to help him earlier. I will update as soon as I can after surgery.

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